Monday, July 2, 2007

Crystal & Dalls for the late night drive to Cowtown.
Pastor Shane for the send off. We know you are with us in prayer brother.

Blog from Alesia & Cara"
This lady came up to Cara in an orange shirt her name was Anna, she started talking and she was happy that we as a group are doing this for people who are less fortunate than us. She was sharing her life story with us, Alesia joined in, Anna was such a sweet lady and she told us good and bad things about Costa Rica. She told us to be careful. It is cool because it shows us, how cool people are, and how God can tie random people together who have never met before. I loved her, she reminded Alesia of her Omie, She told us about her kids, her life and her place. She was such a sweetie!"

Prayer Request:
Rest for those deprived of sleep.

We'll give you another update tonight when we arrive in Costa Rica, Lord Willing.

Vince and Jonathan

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