Tuesday, July 3, 2007

July 3rd update

Hey Friends and Family,

Great day one, starting with breakfast at 7:00 am, we moved on to chores, quiet time with God, training session 1, culture indoctrination, lunch(rice and beans),The Amazing Prayer Race, in downtown Heridia. Very cool. Man we are so so blessed in Red Deer.
God's Presence:
Charla's group was praying in the hospital with a young mom for her sick baby. (Lung problem) We she cried with the group.
Communication about our mission in the slum has been having trouble connecting Frenando with the YYAM base. Today during the Race, Verna ran into Frenando and Norma at the bank.
It is so clear to us after talking with people of a different culture and language, that anything done through us will be tottally God.
Prayer requests:
Fred has a headache.
Lisa has sore stomach muscles.
The enemy has no success distracting us.


Braelyn Winter said...

It's great to know God has been watching over you through your travels and your first day. I already miss you all! You are continually in my prayers. It's good to see the pictures of you! Hope you are learning lots!
Lots of Love,

Shane said...

Hey Gang....

I thank God, whom I serve, as my forefathers did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers.

This is on my heart.....

Yield to the Spirit, as a team and individually..in other words, let the Holy Spirit do the work, and go along for the ride.

in Christ,


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey guys... great to hear that you all arrived safely.
I totally wish i was there with you guys right now
and i cant wait to join you all next year
I see Cara has made friends with a goat
I miss oyu all so much...the house seems so quite without megan around haha
Well i hope things continue to go awesome and i look forward to heraing more about the happenings of this trip as it continues
God Bless

P.S. Could someone please pass on to Megan and Cara to keep Angie and Rebecca in their prayers as Angie is currently getting worse and there's a long story behind Rebecca. If you could that'd be awesome
Thanks alot!